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Promoting the development of high quality with innovative thinking

Date of issue:2018-05-02 00:00:00 author: Click:

Promoting the development of high quality with innovative thinking


"High quality development" is one of the hottest words of the two sessions this year. To achieve high quality development is the inevitable choice to solve the problem of imbalance and imbalance in China's economic and social development. Since the reform and opening up, especially since the eighteen Party Congress, China's economic and social development has made historic achievements and has undergone historic changes. However, we should also see that the quality and efficiency of our country's economic development are not high, the ability of innovation is not strong enough, the level of the real economy needs to be improved; there are still a lot of short boards in the field of people's livelihood, the task of poverty reduction and hard work is arduous, and so on.

As China's economy is turning from high speed to high quality development stage, we must resolve the difficulties and problems in economic and social development. We must unswervingly implement the concept of innovation, coordination, green, open and shared development.

In the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation, general secretary Xi Jinping said that the economic structure of our country has changed greatly, the consumption of residents has accelerated and the innovation entered the active period. If the way of thinking is still in the old way, it is not only difficult to have a way out, but also a bad opportunity.

We should see, in practice, in some places, because of the inertia of thinking and the lack of understanding, there is a fact that the old ideas and the old methods are used in the promotion of high quality development. For example, some places seem to have desalinated the GDP assessment on the surface, but in the actual work, it is still very happy and fast, and still unilaterally regards economic growth as the lifeline of the local economic development, and still holds the thinking of "picking the basket in the basket".

These thinking inertia and the old routine of work reflect that some cadres' views of development have not yet been changed, and the concept of political achievements is not yet correct. This is not only difficult to fundamentally push the economy to achieve high quality development, but it will bunk up "fighter planes" and hinder the process of achieving high-quality development.

In this sense, to promote the development of high quality, we must first solve the problems of cognition, ideology and ideology. The resistance of thought is the greatest resistance, and the obstacle of idea is the biggest obstacle. A policy is well designed. If the people who implement the policy do not understand or think clearly, the effect of the policy will be greatly reduced.

In order to solve the ideological and cognitive problems, the key is to strengthen the "Four Consciousness", to maintain the party's central authority and centralized and unified leadership, to unify the thought and action to the party's nineteen spirit, to unify the Party Central Committee's deployment of the economic work, to adhere to the overall basic tone of the steady progress, and to close the major social contradictions and changes in our country. In accordance with the requirements of high quality development, we should promote the overall layout of the "five in one" and promote the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, and adhere to the structural reform of the supply side as the main line, and promote the work of stabilizing growth, promoting reform, adjusting structure, benefiting people's livelihood and preventing risk. At the same time, we must adhere to the guidelines of the new development concept, dare to face the contradictions and problems, and be good at resolving contradictions and problems. We should make solid progress, do not engage in formalism, encourage real strength, do nothing to promote the development of high quality, and make substantial progress.

URL of this article:http://www.hello-worlds.com/en/news/379.html

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