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National Electricity Investment: gnaw down the "hard bone" and win the battle of battle.

Date of issue:2018-05-02 00:00:00 author: Click:

National Electricity Investment: gnaw down the "hard bone" and win the battle of battle.

The nineteen Party Congress and the central economic work conference clearly pointed out that we should strike the three major battle to prevent and resolve major risks, eliminate poverty accurately and prevent pollution.

"According to the" barrel principle ", the" three major battle "is to make up the three most prominent weaknesses in our development so as to ensure a well-off society in an all-round way. Liu He, director of the office of the central financial and economic leading group, said in his keynote speech at the forty-eighth Davos world economic forum.

The three tough battles are hard to swallow. They are also hard tasks that must be completed. The meeting of the responsible persons of central enterprises pointed out that the central enterprises should take the three major tough battles as an important political task and firmly take the lead in the competition.

At the 2018 National Electrical investment conference, Qian Zhimin, the chairman of the chairman and the party secretary, stressed that the strategic deployment of the three major battles was deeply grasped and the important political tasks given by the party and the state were firmly completed.

Guard against risk

From the release of the signal, prevention and resolution of major risks ranks first among the three major battles, and is of top priority.

Qian Zhimin pointed out at the 2018 national electric investment conference that we should firmly hold the bottom line without major risks and ensure a safe side in safety production, social stability, debt risk and party conduct and clean government.

We must guard against and defuse major risks, and focus on prevention and control of financial risks. The previous meeting of the Central Political Bureau said: "to prevent and resolve major risks, the macro leverage ratio is effectively controlled, the financial service entity's economic capacity is enhanced and the risk prevention work has achieved positive results."

The meeting of the leaders of the central enterprise, which was held recently, put forward that preventing and resolving major risks is the most important part of winning three major battles of state-owned enterprises. The main work is deleveraging, debt reduction and risk prevention. It will make the supervision rules of investment in the central enterprises and study and establish the system of monitoring and monitoring the risk of the financial industry of the central enterprises.

For energy enterprises, the current economic environment is complex, the influence of electricity market and overcapacity overlay will be further deepened, the loss of coal and electricity is still continuing, and the subsidised mechanism of new energy electricity price subsidy has been formed.


The energy industry is a capital intensive industry with a relatively high asset liability ratio. Meng Zhenping, deputy general manager of the national electricity investment and deputy party secretary of the Party group, admitted that the overall asset liability ratio is relatively high and the debt risk control task is still arduous.

Even so, the national electricity investment in 2017 still achieved brilliant achievements - wind power and photovoltaic power generation played an important role in supporting the profit. The benefit of Finance and nuclear power grew steadily, and the profits of coal and aluminum industry reached a new high.

Among them, the most critical indicators of asset liability ratio also achieve control objectives. In 2017, the asset liability ratio was 81.39%, down 0.89 percentage points from the beginning of the year.

There is no danger in preparation for the country. In 2018, the state electricity investment conference put forward the decision to push forward the risk reduction of leverage and reduce debt, and strive to achieve "double reduction" by focusing on both sides. Responsibility for compaction management, debt ratio control and investment spending are linked to improve conditions and potential for high quality development.

In addition, the "subtraction" rule also improves the schedule. The information released by the working conference shows that the "zombie" enterprises will be dealt with by the "zombie" enterprises and the task of the management of the loss enterprises, and the tasks of the 55 families are completed in an all-round way, and the tasks of the "pressure layer reduction" and "three for one industry" will be completed in an all-round way, and the restructuring of the internal business structure will be promoted and the disposal of non-performing assets will continue to be carried out. Live stock assets.

"One can't be less, one can't fall off."

"Building a well-off society in an all-round way must not be less; on the road to common prosperity, one must not lag behind." As a central enterprise, national power investment is a major task in helping to tackle poverty.

The Central Political Bureau meeting held at the end of last year pointed out that precision poverty reduction should aim at the precise help of the special poor, further focus on the poverty-stricken areas, combine the poverty alleviation with the help of ambition and wisdom, stimulate the impoverished population to take off poverty, consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and raise the quality of poverty alleviation.

The data showed that in 2017, the state invested 41 million 670 thousand yuan in aid for poverty relief funds and carried out 62 assisting projects, covering 13 provinces and regions in the Midwest, and helping 5542 people to get rid of poverty directly. Taking the love brand of Yingshan red as the link, the volunteer service activities such as helping the poor and helping the students and supporting education are widely carried out. At the same time, a total of 3 million Yuan Ying Shan Hong charitable trust fund was established.

It is better to teach the fish than to give it to the fish. General secretary Xi Jinping once said that poverty alleviation can not be "grenade fried fleas" and "sprinkled pepper everywhere" can not solve the big problem. We must change flood irrigation into precision drip irrigation. The national electric investment (CIC) has been tailored for the development of the poverty-stricken areas, from the simple "blood transfusion" to "blood transfusion" and "hematopoiesis", focusing on the cultivation of "hematopoietic stem cells".

Photovoltaic poverty alleviation is an important form of precision poverty alleviation. In Shangcheng County of Henan, the state electric investment Henan company fully uses local light resources to carry out the project of photovoltaic poverty alleviation Huimin, investment 4 million 700 thousand yuan, and construction of distributed photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects in 110 poor villages in Shangcheng County.

In Yanchuan County, Shaanxi, the national nuclear power plant implements the greenhouse vegetable planting industry according to the local conditions of local water and light. In Fengning County, Hebei, the state electric investment east energy company helps the county old temple village to coordinate the introduction of all kinds of assistance funds of 5 million 450 thousand yuan; in Nayong County of Guizhou, the investment gold company of the country's household appliances is pushed in a number of poor villages. Into a breed of cow breeding programs...

As Qian Zhimin stressed at the annual work meeting, we should adhere to the poverty alleviation of the industry, combine the poverty alleviation work with the project development, ensure the high quality of the task of supporting the poverty alleviation, and let the development results benefit the poor people more.


In 2018, the State Council will strengthen communication and cooperation with local governments, implement the "13th Five-Year" targeted poverty alleviation and Counterpart Assistance, carry out various forms of poverty alleviation and help in various forms according to local conditions, and ensure the completion of the 1980 stable poverty alleviation tasks of the Henan commercial city, the Sichuan mus, and Yanchuan, Shaanxi.

To be the main force in the prevention and control of pollution

Since the eighteen Party of the party, the Central Committee of the central government has made great efforts to promote the construction of ecological civilization and unprecedented achievements. The prevention and control of air, water and soil pollution has been remarkable. The nineteen report is to enhance the construction of ecological civilization into a "millennium plan" and put forward the idea of protecting the environment just like caring for life.

It is in this context that the central economic work conference has decided to make a good fight against pollution prevention and control, to reduce the total emission of major pollutants, and to improve the quality of the ecological environment as a whole, with the emphasis on winning the war against the blue sky.

Obviously, the war of pollution prevention and control is a major challenge for coal based energy structure. It will involve the adjustment of industrial structure and the transformation of the mode of economic development, and the energy enterprises are bound to face huge cost.

At the annual working conference, Qian Zhimin put forward that the state power investment should adhere to the concept of green development and be the main force of pollution prevention and control. He also stressed that we must resolutely eliminate backward production capacity, increase energy conservation and emission reduction efforts, and speed up the development of clean energy and environmental protection business. We must strictly implement corporate environmental responsibility and resolutely put an end to environmental violations. The reason why such a strong spirit comes from the mission of "dedicating green energy" has always been practiced since the founding of the state electric power company.

At present, the national electric power supply and electricity assembly machine reaches 22 million 20 thousand kilowatts, and has successfully built the water elevator grade clean energy base of the Yellow River and Yuanshui two basins; the wind power total installed 12 million 710 thousand kilowatts, the 800 megawatts of the construction of the Jiangsu Yancheng coastal offshore wind farm will be the most marine wind power in the world; the solar power assembly machine breaks through the tens of millions of kilowatts, Covering 27 provinces and municipalities in the country, and even settled in Japan, Malaysia and other countries, become the world's largest photovoltaic power station operators.

Though the road is near, it can't be done. The national power investment will strengthen supervision and inspection, strengthen environmental information disclosure, and accept social supervision. In fact, only the synergy between the government, the enterprises and the public can form a social co governance system so that the green transformation of energy production and consumption can be realized, and the victory of the war of pollution prevention and control can be achieved.

URL of this article:http://www.hello-worlds.com/en/news/381.html

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