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The top layer design of the global energy Internet has been completed

Date of issue:2018-05-02 00:00:00 author: Click:

The top layer design of the global energy Internet has been completed


At the 2018 global energy Internet Conference held in March 28th, Liu Zhenya, chairman of the global energy Internet development cooperation organization, director of the China Federation of electric power enterprises, and academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, Sweden, said that the top floor design of the global energy Internet has been completed and the technology and equipment have been broken through and the conditions for accelerating development are accelerated. It is already available.

It is understood that the cooperative organization has carried out in-depth research on the economic and social, energy resources and power supply and demand of the more than 100 countries of the world, and put forward the global energy Internet backbone network framework planning, focusing on backbone grids and speeding up the construction of the global energy Internet, which is divided into three stages, and finally forms the "Nine" of the five continents. The nine longitudinal energy arteries.

The global energy Internet backbone study, which was first released on the same day, predicted that the total investment in the global energy Internet was about $38 trillion in 2018-2050 years, including $27 trillion in power investment and $11 trillion in power grid investment. By 2050, the new transmission lines of backbone grids were 177 thousand km long and a total investment of US $390 billion.

Since the new century, the problem of energy, environment and climate change has seriously restricted the sustainable development of the world, and China's advocacy of building the global energy Internet, speeding up the sharing of clean energy and realizing the common sustainable development are becoming the common understanding of all countries in the world.

In his speech, Li Pumin, Secretary General of the national development and Reform Commission, pointed out that more than two years, the national development and Reform Commission has strengthened the top design of the energy Internet strategic plan with the relevant parties and issued the "energy production and consumption revolutionary strategy (2016-2030)", depicting the overall blueprint for China's future energy development, and building a "network, source and load". "Coordinated development" and integration of complementary energy Internet.

  In 2016, the national development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Bureau issued "on the" Internet plus wisdom "energy development guidance", the energy Internet work is orderly.

At the same time, we should speed up the construction of a clean energy and low-carbon system. By the end of 2017, the proportion of clean energy consumption of China's hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and natural gas accounted for 20.8% of the total energy consumption, 1.3 percentage points higher than that of the previous year, of which the scale of wind power and solar power generation installed near 300 million kilowatts, accounting for 16.5% of the total installed capacity.

In addition, to deepen the interconnection with the neighboring countries, China and other neighboring countries such as Russia and Mongolia have realized some electric power interconnection, and basically built the strategic transportation channel of oil and gas on the three continent. Actively support cooperation organizations in multilateral international cooperation mechanisms, frameworks and initiatives.

Li Pumin said that the next step will continue to deepen the energy revolution with the relevant parties, promote the construction of the global energy Internet and realize the development of green and low carbon. First, continue to push forward the energy strategy. We should deepen the construction of some major problems in the development of 2035 and 2050 energy sources, carry out the rural energy revolutionary action, promote the transformation of non fossil energy from large-scale development to high quality development, promote the clean and efficient use of fossil energy, and speed up the construction of a modern energy system with clean and low carbon security and efficiency. Second, steadily promote the construction of domestic energy Internet. Optimize the distribution of oil and gas network and power network, speed up the construction of the energy Internet demonstration project, and put forward corresponding measures to reserve sufficient space for the new mode of energy Internet and the development of new formats of the energy Internet.

"It will also promote interconnection and interconnection with energy infrastructure in neighboring countries." Li Pumin said, "The Belt and Road along the country, accelerate the implementation of a number of conditions are ripe, benefits the development of clean energy and power grid interconnection project. We should further improve and expand the existing strategic channels for oil and gas, and strengthen the research on power grid planning with neighboring countries such as Southeast Asia.

URL of this article:http://www.hello-worlds.com/en/news/382.html

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