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Big data to promote the two integration of coal industry

Date of issue:2018-05-02 00:00:00 author: Click:

Big data to promote the two integration of coal industry


With the advance of the new technological revolution, the traditional mode of operation of the coal industry is undergoing profound changes.


The speed of industrialization and informatization of the whole industry is also accelerating. In this process, big data play an important role.

As the main energy of our country, the healthy development of the coal industry is very important for economic and social development. Last year, China Coal Industry Association issued "guidance on promoting the development of large coal data", and proposed a large data platform for coal construction. It is to rely on the Internet, cloud computing and large data technology to gather, collate and excavate massive data, explore the law of development, analyze and predict the trend of the industry in a timely and accurate way, and ensure the guarantee of the country. Home energy security.

For the current coal industry, although the information and intelligent construction is steadily advancing, the development of the industry has a certain basis, but to achieve the above objectives, the gap is still not small. The current coal data acquisition platform in China generally suffers from incomplete data system, unsmooth collection channels and poor timeliness of data. This leads to errors in the authority and accuracy of data, which is of little significance to the early warning and risk judgement of the industry.

In order to solve this problem, the coal industry is making great efforts to build a large data opening and sharing system, and gradually realize the full coverage of coal production, transportation, sales, security, resources and other related fields, so as to realize the data integration and sharing with the main body of the market. The current coal industry needs precise mining and in-depth analysis of data in production, trade, logistics, consumption, credit and finance. The accurate data from the production end to the consumer can not only provide reference for the coal production, but also provide a prediction for the production of coal mining equipment, the logistics link, the financing needs and even the power generation capacity of the power plant. As far as the current situation is concerned, there are many large coal data platforms in China, which should avoid the state of fighting each other. Therefore, the standardization of standards should be promoted in the follow-up construction so that the data of each platform can be collected in time when the national coal data platform is constructed. From the development of the whole industry, only to realize this basic function, can we call it the national coal data platform. On this basis, the data analysis and industry forecast are more effective.

The coal industry will strive to build a national coal data platform before 2020 to achieve a moderate opening of coal data resources to the society, and provide support for coal enterprises to explore new formats, new models and industry transformation and upgrading. In order to achieve this goal, the coal industry should grasp the strategic opportunity of a new round of technological revolution, implement the strategy of innovation and development in depth, unswervingly eliminate backward production capacity, and improve the development level of industrialization, information and intelligence of the coal industry. The key point is to take large data and information as the support, to form a new driving force to promote the scientific development of the coal industry, to promote the transformation of the coal industry development model from production to production service, and to realize the transformation of coal from traditional energy to clean energy.

URL of this article:http://www.hello-worlds.com/en/news/385.html

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